Pearl's Kitchen will explore the cooking regime of this one particular Jewish grandmother as well as recipes enjoyed by Jewish families everywhere. We will also be delving into the Jewish Deli world, which is currently the focus of a very interesting debate here in the Bay Area. What is an authentic Jewish Deli? How does it jive with the goal of serving people organic, sustainable food. Is this a valid debate or is this just the type of thing that New Yorkers point to and laugh as they bite into their delicious "authentic" pastrami sandwiches. We will see.
"We" are Jon and Lauren, who love food and are very excited to join the vibrant underground food scene in SF. Currently both of us are gainfully employed at full time day jobs, but we're gonna do our darnedest to cook and serve up yummy grub in our free time as often as possible. We've already met an amazing group of talented cooks who are out there serving interesting food on street corners, in art galleries and in parks.
This blog will serve as a journal of this experience. Part diary of a street food business, part cookbook, part musings of Jewish food and the underground food scene of which Pearl's Kitchen hopes to become an integral part.
We've signed on with all the requisite social networking outlets, so check us out on Twitter and Facebook, or do things the old fashion way and email us. We'll let you know when we're out next so you can come get some corned beef sandwiches or noodle kugel!
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